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We're teaching successful professionals and entrepreneurs how to transform their financial lives in 4 months! Learn how to manage and invest your hard-earned money with confidence, a long-term vision, and without losing your mind. Gain a deep understanding of how you can achieve above-average returns, have more time for yourself and your family, and change the trajectory of your life.
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Are you setting your family up for financial success?
You not only have an environmental footprint but a financial footprint as well. Learn how to achieve higher than average market returns with less risk and leave a legacy. You can build incredible amounts of wealth by following the same strategies Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger used to make their fortune.
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Build up passive income
Establish clear processes
More time for the family
Retire earlier
Gain know-how & confidence
Successful and systematic wealth building
A valuable lesson

Start building lasting wealth with our proven investing strategies. Learn how to invest successfully in stocks and make smarter financial decisions in less than four months.

There are only five spots left!

What is the mentoring program?
A Comprehensive Mentoring Program!

This mentoring program is a superior choice for everyone who wants actual results – as opposed to those who keep purchasing info product after info product without executing. I can promise you that you won't find the same level of depth anywhere else:

  • 17 modules

  • 52 lessons

  • 285 sections

  • 10 "Putting It Into Practice" sections

  • 8 Checklists

  • More than 10 investing & valuation spreadsheets

  • 1 Quality Scoring System


In short, the Mental Models mentoring program is a combination of teachingassisting, challenging, and encouraging. Here are some of the key pillars:

The Power of Mental Models – Learning to Think Better

Charlie Munger is often quoted as saying, "To a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail." That's why Munger strongly recommends a mental toolbox filled with an array of tools. He believes that every investor needs to develop mental models that help them understand and filter information and thus simplify complexity. 

Simply put, a mental model is a representation of how something works. Discover a smarter way to navigate the world of investing. In the fast-paced realm of finance, it's impossible to absorb every detail that investment news and websites bombard us with. That's where our approach comes in – we empower you to distill the complexities into manageable, comprehensible chunks. Welcome to the world of Mental Models, where we equip you with the skills to simplify and organize, helping you focus on what truly matters in your investment journey. Arguably, one mental model alone could be worth thousands of dollars.

"Well, the first rule is that you can’t really know anything if you just remember isolated facts and try and bang ’em back. If the facts don’t hang together on a latticework of theory, you don’t have them in a usable form. You’ve got to have models in your head. And you’ve got to array your experience both vicarious and direct on this latticework of models. You may have noticed students who just try to remember and pound back what is remembered. Well, they fail in school and in life. You’ve got to hang experience on a latticework of models in your head.”

(Charlie Munger)

I can confidently say that ...
You’re only one decision away from changing your life forever

What Clients Say About the Program!

Here are some examples of feedback clients sent me:

Clients' Success Stories

"I've improved my process in picking investment ideas and I've become more patient"

Reality Check: What Working with an Investing Mentor is Truly Like

Reality Check: What Working with an Investing Mentor is Truly Like

Play Video

"The program instilled my belief to be able to overcome financial challenges."

Investing with Confidence: Abdullah's Story!

Investing with Confidence: Abdullah's Story!

Play Video

"I understood that I had some gaps in my investment process. I reevaluated my goals and then reviewed and cleaned up my portfolio."

Elin's Journey Towards Financial Freedom

Elin's Journey Towards Financial Freedom

Play Video
The good news


Let me briefly explain why it's important that you don't try to figure it out yourself: Whatever it is that you want to accomplish in your life, there is someone who has already done it. Someone who has already made all the mistakes. Someone who has already invested a lot of time, energy, and money into figuring out what works.


So please, let go of your ego. Eliminate your mindset problem of thinking to yourself "I'll make the same mistakes, just to be sure..." This is very likely going to be a waste of time, energy, and money. In the money management and investing world, in particular, understanding what you are doing is crucial. 

In fact, one of the first core principles taught in this program is Warren Buffett's mantra "Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1." Essentially, this means that you shouldn't go into an investment with a cavalier attitude that it's OK to lose. Be informed. Do your homework. In the money management realm, mistakes can be very costly, and that's why it is your homework to become educated – don't try to figure it out yourself. Having the right people around you can change your life.

Smart people have the humility to fully admit that they know very little and that others have proven processes that only need to be followed. Smart people value their time. They are aware that time is the only resource that is finite. Smart people get mentors and execute.    

“I believe in the discipline of mastering the best that other people have figured out. I don’t believe in just sitting down and trying to dream it all up yourself. Nobody’s that smart.”

(Charlie Munger)

“If you want to, you can make all the mistakes by trying to learn everything yourself, or you can sit at the feet of the masters, which I have chosen to do, and shortcut that.”

(Frank Martin)

How can I apply for the program?
How can I apply for the program?

Obviously, there are a limited number of clients we can personally work with, so please be patient if no spots are open.


“Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”

(Warren Buffett)

The Power Within You!

Are you ready to unlock the path to long-term prosperity? The good news is, it's entirely possible. Have you ever imagined your money working for you instead of the other way around? It's not as daunting as it may seem. All you need is the right education, proven processes, and a commitment to utilizing the fundamental and powerful wealth-building tools we'll introduce you to in this mentoring program.

It is very apparent that there are glaring gaps in financial education across societies, leaving many feeling ill-equipped to navigate the world of stock investing and wealth creation. But guess what?

You don't have to remain in the dark any longer. This mentoring program is designed to illuminate the path to financial empowerment, giving you the knowledge and tools needed to grasp the intricacies of active stock investing and wealth building.

Ready to take control of your financial future? Join us on this transformative journey towards financial literacy, independence, and prosperity. Your financial dreams are within reach, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.

You have the power to change that!

And you have probably gone through the steps before!


That doesn't seem too complicated, right? Chances are, you've applied similar steps in other aspects of your life — whether it's optimizing your nutrition, enhancing your fitness, navigating the dating scene, boosting your productivity, mastering time management, or preparing for a successful job interview. The good news is that the same principles can also be applied to improving your financial situation.

What I'm here to teach is how ANYONE can build wealth by following our tried-and-true "Wealth Building Formula." We'll also delve into the art of researching individual companies to help you identify the right businesses to invest in. Our approach is systematic and precise, transforming your income into lasting wealth. It will require effort, but the dividends will pay off for years to come if you're truly committed.

So, whether you're looking to revamp your financial standing or excel in any other facet of life, you have the potential to make a meaningful change. The journey to financial independence starts here, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.

The good news


This investment in yourself offers you returns on your investment that you cannot find anywhere else, it cannot be taxed and, moreover, even inflation cannot take it away from you.

In addition, the monetary value provided by this mentoring program will likely be a multiple of your original investment (depending on your starting point (age, income, goals), investing horizon, and discipline 100-1,000x your investment)

Waiting to invest and trying to figure it out yourself will cost you a lot.

What is the mentoring program?
Step-by-Step Processes

In the world of investing, it's not just about making the right decisions; it's about the process behind those decisions. Here's why having robust processes in place is absolutely critical for achieving your financial goals:

Consistency Breeds Success: Successful investing isn't about hitting a home run every time. It's about making consistent, well-informed decisions over time. Our program will teach you how to establish a dependable investment process that keeps you on track, even in turbulent markets.

📊 Mitigating Risk: Investing can be risky if you don't know what you are doing. But with the right processes, you can manage and mitigate that risk. We'll show you how to build a risk management framework that safeguards your investments and ensures you're not putting all your eggs in one basket.

💡 Clarity in Chaos: The financial world can be overwhelming with information overload. Our program equips you with the skills to sift through the noise, identify valuable insights, and make informed decisions. You'll never feel lost in the market again.

📈 Maximizing Returns: Processes aren't just about risk management; they're also about optimizing returns. We'll guide you in developing strategies that aim for consistent growth, helping your investments reach their full potential.

🎯 Goal-Oriented Investing: The foundation of a successful investment journey is having clear, achievable goals. Our program helps you set and track your financial objectives, ensuring your investments align with your long-term aspirations.

🔒 Your Financial Future: Investing isn't just about today; it's about securing your financial future. With well-defined processes, you'll have confidence in your financial decisions, paving the way for a brighter tomorrow.

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We help you to reduce stress and anxiety regarding money management, to invest profitably, to achieve your financial goals more quickly, and to change the trajectory of your life.

Once you've completed the program, you will never have to worry about your financial future again.
What this program can help you with:

By now, you've hopefully understood that investing is smart and that a lot of people have made a lot of money following proven processes.  The problem is that you've never taken an investing class. Hence, you feel insecure and you’re scared to lose all of your money. And that's why you haven't started taking massive action yet. Change is painful and few people have the courage to seek out change. So, here's the deal:

We offer a truly transformational program: Within a very well-defined time frame, you will learn everything you will ever need to know in order to manage and invest your money with confidence, a long-term vision, and without losing your mind. 

Here's a short summary of what this program can help you with within this short period of time:


  • Evaluate your very personal current financial situation.

  • Identify what to work on and shift your focus to actual solutions.

  • Set realistic short-, mid-, and long-term financial goals.


  • Learn a skill that will serve you a lifetime.

  • Get access to actual actionable ideas you can start using today.

  • Become financially educated, make informed decisions with your money, and take control of your financial future.

  • Build financial habits that align with your long-term goals and learn how much you need to save each year for retirement.

  • Learn why owning stocks is the single best way to build wealth. Invest confidently, safely, and profitably, and acquire the ability to make decisions on your own behalf.

  • Avoid expensive investing mistakes. In fact, if this program keeps you from making one major mistake in your lifetime, it would have been worth the investment.

  • Set up and manage your portfolio properly, and learn why broad diversification doesn't work (and what to do instead).

  • Find great businesses to invest in and learn how to determine their value so that you know when the company is on sale.

  • Learn how to read financial statements and assess the quality of an individual company in order to avoid buying it when it is a "value trap".

  • Learn to speed-research a business in order to identify businesses that are worth taking a closer look at.

  • Learn how being a copycat can make you rich.

  • Learn how many stocks you should own and when you need to sell them.

  • Learn what your investment approach should look like depending on your investment horizon and goals.


  • Understand the psychology behind your financial decisions – investing is the intersection of economics and psychology. 

  • Move past any “mental blocks” that are holding you back from financial abundance.

  • Become a patient investor, invest your money with a long-term vision, and let compound interest work for you. 

  • Stay invested without panicking during the next stock market crisis when everyone is getting irrational and learn to do the opposite of what your instincts tell you to do. Way too many people sell at the bottom and buy at the high which inevitably harms their investment returns.


  • Achieve your financial goals and build wealth.

  • Start to feel excited about investing and watch your wealth grow.

  • Have more time, peace, and balance.

  • Reduce stress and anxiety regarding money management.

  • Find your "why." Have the ability to do good, to be generous, to create generational wealth, and to leave a legacy.

  • Achieve higher-than-average market returns with less risk by using the same strategies Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger used.

Should you be accepted into the mentoring program, you'll have to invest 17 weeks of your life to then never have to worry about your financial future again. Of course, it takes time and effort to learn the strategies outlined in the program, but your initial time spent learning can save you years of time working for your retirement.


We will focus on building a solid foundation. This process is somewhat unspectacular. It's almost a mundane process. But sticking to this proven process will bring you results and that's all that counts. 

Depending on whether you want to take a passive investing approach (less than 1 hour/month) or an active investing approach (around 10 hours/month), the time you'll have to invest – after going through the program – is very manageable and you'll actually enjoy spending time on managing and investing your hard-earned money and feel excited watching your $ grow. 

But let me be clear: This is no "get rich quick" scam. No Lambo ads, no luxury lifestyle videos. Investing is not a magic pill. This is not for crypto fanboys driven by their interest to get rich within 1-3 years. Trust me, if someone is promising you to get rich quickly, that’s just somebody trying to get rich off you! You will get scammed if you believe some idiot promising you to make a million dollars over the course of a year. And if you believe this BS, you kind of deserve to get scammed too. These people are making most of their money from marketing and not from applying the strategy they are selling to you.


The Security and Exchange Commission even issued an investor alert warning about potential scams associated with trading seminars that claim to teach investing strategies that offer quick money by trading stocks.

"Take the modern world where people are trying to teach you how to come in and trade actively in stocks. Well, I regard that as roughly equivalent to trying to induce a bunch of young people to start off on heroin. It is really stupid. And then there are people on the TV, another wonderful place, and they say, 'I have this book that will teach you how to make 300 percent a year. All you have to do is pay for shipping and I will mail it to you!' (laughter) How likely is it that a person who suddenly found a way to make 300 percent a year would be trying to sell books on the Internet to you! It's ridiculous."

(Charlie Munger)


So carefully distinguish between programs that truly care about their clients and want to educate them and those promising you to get rich quickly. I have no doubt that assessing price relative to value has to be included in every program and remains the most reliable way to invest for the long term.

What this program can help you with


We've realized that people are unique and as such need different "tools" to help them realize their potential. Hence, we'll first talk about your individual situation and your corresponding needs and, then, define short-, mid-, and long-term goals. Based on this analysis, the mentoring program will be tailored to your specific needs; the modules of this program are fully customizable.

What if ...
What if ...
(Or: "Dear younger self, ...")

I'm sure you've experienced this before: Sometimes you have an in-depth discussion with an expert in his field or stumble upon an article/book and you read it in one sitting or you attend a symposium on a specific topic and you learn something new. It's a real EYE-OPENER for you and you know – deep down in your heart – that it's time for a change.


However, – and this is a major problem – it's very easy to come up with reasons why change is bad. People like the status quo – things are good the way they are. Your closest friends and family will often dissuade you from embracing change because they fear that this change will affect them too. They mean well but achieve the opposite.

The status quo rarely gets you to the next level. It's like glue that keeps you where you are and doesn't get you where you want to be. The status quo doesn't help you to realize your full potential and it doesn't get you to the place where dreams happen.

The problem with money management is that people who are doing poorly aren't really suffering or feeling distressed. The severe suffering of people who struggle with their dating life, for example, makes them much more willing to change. In terms of their financial life, however, people will only realize that they have messed up once they are in their late 40s or 50s, once it's too late. 


I hope this website (or my content on other platforms) is an eye-opener for you. An eye-opener about the financial potential you – as someone with an investing horizon of many decades – have.  

There are two powerful words that can empower you to change your current habits and to see beyond the present.

What if ...

Imagine yourself thinking of these two words at some point in the distant future. Thinking these two words is the most painful thing you could ever endure. If you ask old people about their biggest regrets, they'll always share that they regret things that they have NOT done and never things that they have done (and possibly didn't work out). They regret that they feared change and think "What if I would have ...".

In terms of wealth-building these two words ("what if I had started earlier") can be particularly painful because, as should've become clear by now, the TIME you have is by far the most powerful wealth-building tool you have! (I'll illustrate this with a quiz further down the page) Not starting now could literally cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"The sooner you start, the more compounding can do for you. If beginning at the age of twenty, you sock away just $100 a month in stocks, and your portfolio compounds at 10%, which is what stocks have provided historically, you will be a millionaire when you retire at sixty-five."

(Ralph Wanger)


Most people underestimate how long they might live. Don't catch yourself thinking "I wish someone had explained this to me ten years ago", "What if I pursued that one opportunity" or "What if I just took that chance"! No one can turn back the time!

Compound interest is so powerful that even in a relatively short period of time – say in 10 years – you WILL catch yourself thinking "What if I started 10 years ago?". You will definitely not be able to make up for that missed potential in the following decades. So don't let procrastination fuck with your future.

I want you to spend your retirement years reveling in the fact that you started investing when you were younger! 

The future result will be the accumulation of hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of dollars.

All right, the message should be clear. Let's focus on the PRESENT – the here and now. You don't have to catch yourself thinking these two words in the future; you don't have to be cursing at your younger self. But you have to embrace the change.

"You really need to be very clear with yourself. And I think one of the best ways to do that is this notion of projecting yourself forward to age 80, looking back on your life, and trying to make sure you've minimized the number of regrets you have. [...] Another thing I would recommend to people is that they always take a long-term point of view. [...] A lot of people – and I am just not one of them – believe that you should live for the now. I think what you should do is think about the great expansive time ahead of you and try to make sure that you are planning for that in a way that leaves you ultimately satisfied."

(Jeff Bezos)


Remember you only get one life to design.

Take action and make things happen.


The best time to start investing was a few years ago when you were 18. But the second-best time is now.

Due to the power of compound interest, not starting now can literally cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars – and depending on your starting capital even more than that.

The power of mentoring
The Power of Mentoring

Nowadays, knowledge is widely available. Essentially, people have easy access to every single piece of information online. Today, there’s Wikipedia and your mobile phone. You've got a question? Just google it.


The problem is that there is too much information out there. There are books, online dictionaries, wikis, YouTube videos, ebooks, webinars, blogs, etc. People are overwhelmed, they don't know where to start and how to filter the sheer amount of information. They don't take action. This phenomenon is called information overload and leads to the difficulty of a) understanding an issue and b) effectively making decisions when one has too much information about a subject – with too much information we frequently end up doing NOTHING. However, knowledge without action is useless.


The money management and investment area, in particular, is a confusing mess of myths, gazillion investment products, false promises made by corporate players, and overblown hype. You can spend a ton of time, and energy acquiring knowledge that you will not use and that will leave you paralyzed from taking action.


The less financially literate people are, the less likely they are to accumulate wealth. Where should I start? What's important to know? What should I do first? All too often, people do nothing which is the worst choice they can make. The consequences of being struck by decision paralysis can be devastating. As we will illustrate further down the page, not starting early will be the biggest financial mistake of your life!


What people actually want is transformation. That's why they need experts who can help them to structure and process the information. Someone whom they can interact with and ask questions whenever uncertainties occur.


As I've outlined above, many people are scared, confused, or lost about investing and react by simply ignoring the money management field altogether (the path of least resistance). They put their money into a savings account or maybe into a professionally managed mutual fund.

So how should people interested in building wealth deal with the accessibility of knowledge? There are all sorts of services out there. E-books, seminars, webinars, 40-hour high-quality video courses, or spreadsheets that promise "insane investment returns."


The problem with these kinds of products is that they don’t actually help people. In 2014, a meta-analysis of 201 prior financial literacy studies was conducted to find out how effective these programs were. The findings were devastating. Such programs were only able to change financial behavior by 0.1%. Frankly speaking, these products apparently did not improve people's finances. 

Courses without feedback are as helpful as giving a blind man a map. 


Let me briefly explain why:

1) Many of these so-called "online gurus" are rather marketing experts than finance and investing experts. They build these complex, multi-step marketing funnels. You get a free e-book in exchange for your e-mail address, only to then buy a $10 file that includes more information. Next, they try to sell you a $99 webinar only to advertise their $50/month email-newsletter or their $459 video course. Yada-yada-yada...


What they don't realize is that they are fooling their clients AND themselves. They are fooling their clients because they are always selling a "half-baked" solution that will never get their clients from A to B. And they are fooling themselves because deep inside they actually feel the desire to help other people. But they don't accomplish this by creating these sales funnels. In a mentoring program, on the other hand, there is no sales funnel. You get access to a "complete solution" that will actually get you results.  

2) Financial literacy is extremely important. No one will be able to improve his/her financial life if he/she doesn't understand the mechanics behind how money management and investing works.

The problem with the above-mentioned products (e-books, video courses, etc.) is that the mere acquisition of knowledge doesn’t actually change people’s behaviors. Change happens when a person is motivated by some sort of emotional trigger or looming consequence. 

The most important advantage of a mentoring program is that it helps clients structure and process the presented information. People need a clear structure. And most importantly, they need human interaction in order to really understand a concept, they need to ask questions that come up when they learn new theoretical concepts and they need to ask questions when they actually APPLY the theory. They need someone to take them by the hand. 


Questions come up all the time because every individual's financial situation and goals are different

3) Furthermore, a coaching program creates ACCOUNTABILITY. Did you do your "homework?" Did you execute on what we've discussed last time? What are your problems? You are forced to actually execute what you have learned.

Let me be clear, a mentoring program is certainly not yet another book that you can purchase for $10. A book that you possibly will never ever read. Or a book that you will read, but will never execute on the given advice. 


You will laugh, but most books are simply too cheap. If you had to pay $1,000 for a book, you'd read it multiple times, use a highlighter, take notes, and you'd actually take action. A financial commitment is a major reason why people are starting to execute. Books won’t make you execute. They also won’t be able to give you feedback. Lastly, a book cannot customize its knowledge to the needs of its readers.


By contrast, a coaching program is a real commitment. That's why we only accept applications from candidates that show that they are actually willing to commit. This will result in better results for both the coachee and the coach. Put differently, this mentoring program is not for people who are impatient, give up easily, and are okay with mediocrity.  

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Who is this program for?

So, my dear reader ...

  • If you have an investment horizon of 5 years +

  • If you have ever dreamed of increasing your net worth and making money to work for you

  • If you are worried about your retirement and instead dream of retiring early

  • If you wonder what you will be remembered for and want to do good

  • If you are tired of paying high financial advisor's fees for low returns

  • If you want 11-20% returns, instead of the 5-10% the rest of the industry strives for

  • If you want to acquire a deeper understanding of value investing and get to know the comprehensive "Mental Models Investing Framework"


... then, I have something for you:


I can PERSONALLY help you to learn everything you'll ever need to know about intelligent investing.


Would you like me to help you as your MENTOR to achieve your financial goals? 

HOWEVER, this program is not for everyone and spots are very limited because we want to ensure the highest level of quality! This program is obviously not yet another $89 info product. We want to see impact and therefore look for people that want to execute. You can get a lot of things back, but you can't get time back – let's not waste each other's time.


Let me give you a rough idea of the necessary criteria in order to be accepted:


Open Mindedness: Nearly four out of five 18- to 35-year-olds surveyed say they find investing confusing, or can't relate to the stock market. For most people "being an investor" doesn't fit to their self-concept. And that's fine! As long as you are open-minded about new ideas, concepts and data and are willing to listen to and consider other people's ideas and suggestions. Believe me, the stock market isn't what many people think it is and the mantras taught by your parents – such as "investing in stocks is just gambling" – couldn't be more inadequate.


Positive Energy: You acknowledge your flaws and understand that life isn’t always a perfect dance. but are still optimistic about your future and have a positive perception of the world. You treat everyone you meet with respect and people enjoy being around you. It doesn’t take much to make someone’s day: A friendly smile and a few encouraging words are sometimes all that’s needed to turn someone’s day completely around for the better. If that's how you interact with your surroundings, I am more than happy to meet you with the same amount of respect and encouragement.


Discipline and Patience: You are willing to invest one hour a day to learn what we teach in this program. You show a high degree of motivation in your life and you are able to push through challenges when they occur. At the same time, you understand that success – especially in terms of financial investments – takes time, but you are aware that as an investor, TIME is your most valuable asset and are grateful for the opportunity to start now. 


Complete Ownership: You understand that you are responsible for your life and your well-being. If you want to move forward in life, you are responsible for making it happen! Consequently, you understand that no one owes you the fulfillment of your needs and wants and are aware that no matter what happens to you, you can control your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. I have very little sympathy for those who keep complaining about their situation but do nothing about it.

Why Learning to Invest Is Particularly Important for Women

Let’s take a minute in order to briefly discuss why learning to manage your own money is especially important if you’re a woman.


On average, women from all parts of the world earn less than men. There is a significant pay gap between men and women in many states. So, women are often paid less for doing the same jobs that men do, and they are less likely to get into leadership positions


The causes are manifold and often difficult to determine: from early on they are taught that men should take care of money management; gender socialization makes them more likely to work in jobs that are less well paid; they are socialized to be kind rather than assertive, which makes them less likely to renegotiate their salary; it is mostly women who take care of family and housework; and finally the majority of single-parent households are headed by women too.

Yeah, this sucks. But you need to stop getting angry about this unfair situation. Instead, you should care even more about your finances. Be a role model and show other women that you can still create massive wealth by starting early and becoming educated. You'll have moments of second-guessing yourself, moments of confusion, and that's fine, but when are going to start taking action now, I promise you that you'll succeed.. 

Who is this program for?
Image by Daniel Chekalov


Investing is not nearly as difficult as it looks. Successful investing involves doing a few things right and avoiding serious mistakes.


In case you consider applying together with a friend, I've got a special offer for you. Studies show that working together with a friend or your partner has a major impact on your long-term financial success as collaboration creates accountability. That's why you can apply for the program together with your friend and get a discount and an exclusive bonus.

I am 120% convinced of the value we are offering in this mentoring program and of the fact that learning about intelligent investing will be so worth your while. In addition, don't underestimate the power of being part of a committed group of people who share the same dream and values – everyone is getting smarter! 

Why you don't need a financial advisor
Why You Don't Need a Financial Advisor
(Or: Why plumbers offer better value than fund managers)

Let's assume you do understand that investing is smart and that you can make a lot of money doing it. You've understood that the stock market can be an incredible tool for building your wealth – especially over long periods of time.


Nevertheless, the unknown is scary. You’re scared of being fooled. You're afraid to lose all of your money. The stock market appears to be such a complex and risky place. Consumers can choose from thousands of investment products. Of course, many people become so overwhelmed by choice that they see no other option than investing through an advisor. Who can blame them?

However, the idea that investing successfully requires you to work with a financial advisor is one of the most commonly held misconceptions in the general public. In fact, working with most advisors is going to hurt your wealth-building process. Let me explain why:

1) High fees will cost you a fortune

Did you know that 95% of finance professionals can't beat the S&P 500 Index Fund? This is mainly caused by flawed incentives of the investing industry and the fees you have to pay. A financial advisor MAY be able to perform better than a typical index fund like the S&P 500. However, the fees they charge will dramatically eat into your investment returns. Just like the accelerating effect compound interest has on the growth of investments, the same thing happens in the opposite direction when investment fees compound. Paying just 1% in fees can potentially cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Let me illustrate how high, percentage-based fees that an advisor charges can affect your long-term investing success. Let's assume you would invest $ 10,000 today into an index fund that provides an inflation-adjusted return of 8% and you invest it for the next 30 years. If you buy the index fund yourself, you pay as low as 0.1% in fees for many index funds and that's it. If you go with a financial advisor you'll still pay the index fund fee but additionally, you'll also pay a fee for the advisor's service. Let's assume you're lucky and you find an advisor that charges you only 1% in fees. 

Well, guess what... you will lose around 25% of your earnings due to the fees. Your $10,000 would be worth $100,000 in 30 years if you had invested it yourself. If you would've gone with a financial advisor you'd only get $74,680 – and lose $ 25,947 in fees.

Let's assume you'd not be so lucky as to escape with only 1% in fees but would be charged 2% annually plus a 2% contribution fee. Let's assume you would invest $10,000 at the start and then continue to contribute $1,000 each month. Here's what your performance would look like: You'd lose half a million dollars. Just remember that your fees are the income of the person that you are talking to (or the company he/she is working for).

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Here is what Warren Buffett had to say about financial advisors at a Berkshire annual meeting:

“If you go to a dentist, if you hire a plumber, in all the professions, there is value added by the

professionals as a group compared to doing it yourself or just randomly picking laymen. In the

investment world, it isn’t true. The active group, the people that are professionals in aggregate,

are not, cannot, do better than the aggregate of the people who just sit tight.”   

2) There is a very good chance you are not working with the best financial advisor

You most likely don't have multiple millions of dollars yet that you now want to invest.

Have you ever thought about the fact that the really good advisors work with very wealthy clients and that the not-so-good ones work with the average? Unfortunately, many of the most successful investment funds are only available to the top income earners.


Let's face it: Only very few financial advisors can actually achieve above-market returns. Chances are very high that the advisor who is willing to work with you will not be one of those. ​In fact, it may be even harder to pick good professional managers than it is to pick good individual stocks. As we've outlined, even if you'd be able to work with a great advisor, once you subtract the fees that he/she charges, your returns will almost always end up being less than they would have been if you had put your money into an index yourself.

Moreover, you should ask yourself the following question: Who do you think is willing to work harder for YOUR financial success – a hired advisor or yourself? No one will care more about your money than you do. Very few stockbrokers, bankers, financial planners, or insurance agents can manage your money as successfully as you can if you've put in the work and know what you are doing.

3) You are not allowed to do anything with your money unless YOU understand it

One of the first core principles taught in our mentoring program is that you are not allowed to do anything with your money unless you – yes, YOU! – understand it. And trust me, once you understand the fundamentals, you will achieve great results. In fact, financial planning and investing on your own seems complicated at first, but it can be really simple once it’s simply explained. 

Once you've completed the personal finance modules of our mentoring program, you will, for example, understand that putting your money into a suitable index fund and forgetting about it for the next decades will give you pretty good returns.

In the Investing Masterclass, you will then become aware of the fact that you can actually achieve even better returns by carefully choosing individual companies and investing in them for the long term – as long as you buy them yourself and hence don't have to pay any fees. You only have to understand their business model and wait for them to go on sale.

Unlike an advisor whose actions are guided by wrong incentives and who is therefore required to invest his clients' money right away, you can actually wait until you can buy a high-quality company at a fair price.

Lastly, going through our mentoring program may actually have the effect that you start enjoying learning about money management – because wealth building is actually fun!


“Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone

planted a tree a long time ago.”

(Warren Buffett)

Leaving a Legacy

Let me close my message with a few words on on how to stay motivated on this path.

Money is important. But if you feel miserable right now and think this program will immediately make you feel better, I've got to disappoint you.

Money is not going to make you happy. It will give you tools and resources but your brain is trained to always pay attention to what's going wrong in your life. You've got to overwrite this. Happiness is letting go of what you assume your life is supposed to be like right now, and sincerely appreciating it for everything that it is. 95-year-old billionaire Charlie Munger recently shared his secret to a long and happy life: "You don’t have a lot of envy, you don’t have a lot of resentment, you don’t overspend your income, you stay cheerful in spite of your troubles."

What we will do in one of the last modules of this program is take a look at what a rich life means to YOU. If you'd ask an average guy on a street to define a rich life, most people would approach this question by referring to having a million dollars. But let me emphasize it one more time: Having money is an important part of a rich life but it is only a small part. In addition, the amount of money you actually need also varies largely on your individual situation – a student obviously needs less money than a father of four kids.

Hence, be grateful for what you have. Many people are very poor. Many millionaires are miserable. Perspective generates thankfulness.

My personal approach to a rich life consists of the following pillars: ​

  • Having the ability to learn

  • Meaningful relationships and laughter

  • Creativity

  • Freedom

  • Giving and being able to do good

So a big question is what do you want the money for? Do you want it just to enjoy and relax and to let it slowly eat up your savings? Or do you want to create impact on the world? How do you want to be remembered is a common question I ask my clients?

It is vitally important to have an area in which you can contribute, make a difference, and "be sombody." This does not have to be work-related. In fact, you will often find activities that satisfy your soul in other areas. 


We'll take a closer look at what your purpose (your "Why") in life might possibly be. And what you might want to do with the money. Ask yourself: "If I had to give everything I own to a cause (not a person), what cause would that cause be?" Be it to support an organization that is fighting plastic pollution, a charity that builds thousands of freshwater wells, or maybe a charity that conducts undercover investigations against factory farms to change food industry practices – just to name a few examples.

Leaving a legacy could also involve transferring your wealth to the next generation. However, if you leave a vast amount of wealth to your children and they are irresponsible with money, the legacy will be short-lived. If you teach them how to value what they have, how to protect and grow it, your kids could, in fact, manage your financial legacy and make further use of compound interest and thereby create an even bigger impact. 

In short, our values guide how we live. They give us the motivation to do the work necessary to achieve our financial goals. A life without values is an empty existenceYou may find yourself moving from one shiny object to another shiny object trying to find happiness. But you will find that happiness elusive.

We will help you to find your purpose.

“The goal isn’t to live forever, it’s to create something that will”

(Chuck Palahniuk)

Leave a Legacy
Reward System
Image by Paul Skorupskas


I can’t wait for you to wrap your head around all of this information and transform your future.

I invite you to apply now and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Who am I?
Who am I?
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My name is René Sellmann and I've spent almost every single day of the last 36 months developing this mentoring program. 

I specialize in wealth building strategies and teach successful men and women a system to achieve their financial goals, create generational wealth, and spend more time with their families. My clients should have an investment horizon of at least 5 years. 

I have both a teaching background and a coaching certificate. But I want to be blatantly honest with you: DEGREES DON'T REALLY MATTER in this field. Most universities – even the most prestigious universities such as Harvard or Cambridge – teach an approach that is called "Modern Portfolio Theory"; an approach that is fundamentally flawed! Charlie Munger – known for his witty demeanor – summed it up this way: "The professional classes can’t justify their existence if that’s all they have to say. [The investing framework is] so obvious and so simple, what would they have to do with the rest of the semester?" And Warren Buffett added: "The business schools reward difficult complex behavior more than simple behavior, but simple behaviour is more effective."

This goes back to what I have mentioned previously: There is an information overload and the average investor doesn't know how to handle it. There is so much data out there that people lose track of what really matters and can't see the wood for the trees. They need someone to take them by the hand – someone who teaches them the fundamentals.


Although my teaching and coaching background and the corresponding methodical and didactical competence allow me to set up this program in a systematic, reliable, and creative fashion, what – in my view – really matters to help you to achieve your goals is how passionate and inquisitive one is about money management and investing. I, as a financial and investing coach, do feel a very strong desire to impact lives for the positive.


I truly love investing, and I truly love teaching it. I truly believe that investing on your own is one of the most rewarding ways to influence your financial future. I enjoy helping people transform their financial lives and reach their full potential. I am obsessed with meeting and surpassing the needs of my clients and am truly willing to do more for them than they expect. And I’m convinced that anyone can become financially independent, regardless of age, experience, or current financial situation. If you would ask me what I want to be remembered for one day, I would say for being a great (investment) teacher.

At the same time, I can at times be very demanding. Also, my coaching will never be available for everyone – I will only work with clients who fit in and are willing to work hard and execute what we teach.

Another critical factor is the fact that one is actually applying theoretical concepts in the real world – you CAN'T learn how to successfully build your wealth with a paper money portfolio because you cannot simulate the psychology of investing; in particular, you can't practice how you are going to deal with the two predominant emotional states of greed and fear. You have to actually get started and learn from your mistakes, which you will inevitably make. 

 “Learning about investing from books is like learning about sex from romance novels.”  

Charlie Munger

Ever since I started my investment journey, I have read every book on the topic of money management and investing that I could get my hands on. BUT there is one key takeaway from reading all these books: You have to focus on exactly ONE investing philosophy – a philosophy that actually works – and try to get familiar with the most important pillars of this approach. Basically, everything you will learn in this program was developed by studying Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, and Mohnish Pabrai; and I studied them carefully.

Let me give you a non-investing example of what happens when you want fo follow 28 different gurus. I have this one friend who is really into self-development and reads at least one book on this matter each week. He probably listens to two Blinkist episodes while commuting to work (for those who don't know: Blinkist is a professional book summary service). And every time I meet him, it seems like I am meeting a different person. Whenever I meet him he tells me about these new concepts that he now wants to incorporate into his business. But he is extremely inconsistent in what is is doing; what he is standing for. Hence, this inconsistency is unavoidably leading to a lack of success. 

So be consistent. Don't follow 28 different investing "gurus" but rather focus on 1-2 people who you actually trust and whose approach and advice you want to follow. All you should care about is if a mentor can actually help you to achieve results. 

Fortunately, I understood this idea pretty quickly and consequently, my focus quickly shifted towards the value investing approach. Subsequently, I've extensively studied the world's greatest value investors, their strategies, and their mistakes. Value investing historically has produced stronger returns than any other investing orientation. This philosophy essentially boils down to buying the highest quality firms at a price below their intrinsic value. 

To cut a long story short: I am really enjoying being able to help others and I am promising that this program will help lay the foundation for you to start to take control of your finances and begin accumulating wealth. I am also promising that you will have a much better understanding of how investing works, from both a fundamental and an emotional perspective.


As I've outlined in the opening section of this website, I really have the desire to reach any many people as possible. I want to create awareness among successful people for the great potential that they have if they start investing now. As should've become clear: Every single one of you can easily build wealth by sticking to the principles taught in this program. I truly believe in the value we are offering and am looking forward to get to know people that fit the above-mentioned criteria. 

May your finances and investments prosper.

Very truly yours

R. Sellmann


We can only select and accept a small group of highly committed people as we want to ensure the highest level of quality. 


Hence, available seats for the mentoring program are highly limited.

Click on the button below to start your application process and get a free consulting call. 

Please note: Due to the limited amount of seats, the application process for new attendees may only be open for a short period of time.

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In no event shall Mental Models Wealth Building be liable to any member, guest or third party for any damages of any kind arising out of the use of any content or other material published or available on this site, or relating to the use of, or inability to use, Mental Models Wealth Building's content or any content, including, without limitation, any investment losses, lost profits, lost opportunity, special, incidental, indirect, consequential or punitive damages.


The strategy outlined in the coaching process may result in losses during any period of decline in the broad stock and bond markets. All investments carry the risk of loss. It is the responsibility of individuals to do their own due diligence before investing in any index fund, ETF, or stock mentioned in the in the coaching process, on this website.

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